An ASGI compliant web microframework
An ASGI compliant web microframework that takes a class based approach to routing. Influenced by CherryPy but made compatible with asyncio. A companion ASGI server named Qactuar was spawned from this project. Check it out here!
$ pip install tonberry
from tonberry import quick_start, expose
class Root:
async def index(self):
return "Hello, world!"
# Go to http://localhost:8080
import asyncio
from dataclasses import dataclass
import uvicorn
from tonberry import create_app, expose, File, websocket
from tonberry.content_types import TextPlain, TextHTML, ApplicationJson
class Request:
arg1: int
arg2: str
class Response:
param1: str
param2: float
class SubPage:
async def index(self, request: Request) -> Response:
With type hints indicating a dataclass object, the body of the request
will automatically be deserialized into that object, even if it
contains nested dataclasses and types will be checked thanks to the
library dacite. Returning a dataclass will result in it being serialized
into a JSON string and the content-type header will be set to
POST body: {"arg1": 3, "arg2": "something"}
Response body: {"param1": "SOMETHING", "param2": 4.5}
return Response(request.arg2.upper(), request.arg1 * 1.5)
async def hello(self, name: str) -> TextPlain:
Arguments to methods can come from the leftover parts of the URI after
the route has found a match, querystrings, form-url-encoded data or json
return f"Hi {name}"
class Root:
subpage = SubPage()
async def index(self) -> TextPlain:
The index method behaves similarly to an index.html file in most web
return "Hello, world!"
async def some_page(self) -> TextHTML:
Returning a file like object result in the file contents being read and
put into the response body.
The expose decorator methods can take an optional argument for the name
you would like to use for the route if you don't want it to be the name
of the method.
To indicate what the content-type header you want to set then use a type
hints for the return value from tonberry.content_types. This feature may
or may not stay as part of the project. It will not overwrite any
content type set manually inside the method.
return File('some_page.html')
async def do_a_thing(self, data1: int, data2: str) -> ApplicationJson:
Even without a dataclass the individule top level keys in JSON object
will be passed as arguments. It is possible to return strings, UTF-8
encoded bytes, integers, file like objects, dicts or lists (as long as
they are JSON serializable) and dataclasses.
POST body: {"data1": 2, "data2": "things to do"}
complete, success, result = await do_that_thing(data1, data2)
return {"completed": complete, "outcome": success, "body": result}
async def ws(self):
Basic example of using a websocket. Sending and receiving are done
through the websocket object.
URL: ws://
data = await websocket.receive_text()
await websocket.send_text(f"echo {data}")
count = 0
while websocket.client_is_connected:
count += 1
await websocket.send_text(f"Hello {count}")
await asyncio.sleep(3)
if __name__ == "__main__":
app = create_app(root=Root)
app.add_static_route(path_root="./static_files", route="static")
# Using uvicorn here but any ASGI server will work just as well, host="", port=8888)
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This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.txt file for details